Offline Files tips

less than 1 minute read

“Incorrect Function” Error

When synchronizing offline files, some files give an error:

“Unable to make Filename.ext available offline on \\Server\Share\Folder. Incorrect function.”

Solution found here

  1. Open My Computer
  2. Goto Tools->Options
  3. Click on the Offline Files tab.
  4. Hold down CTRL+SHIFT and click DELETE FILES. This will completely clear the client cache and re-sync after a reboot.

“Files of this type cannot be made available offline” Error

Error message:

“Warnings occurred while Windows was synchronizing your data. Results: Offline files. Unable to make file name available offline. Files of this type cannot be made available offline.”

To suppress error message for specific file types:


To change the error message display for all types: (from here)

To change this default behavior, use Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) to locate the following key in the registry:


Add the following registry value:

Value Name: KeepProgressLevel
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1 (hexadecimal)

You can add the following values and then quit Registry Editor:

1 - Pause on errors.
2 - Pause on warnings.
3 - Pause on errors and warnings.
4 - Pause and display INFO.
